Identification marks for boats
We inform you that pursuant to art. 4 of Law no. 19 of 20 January 1997, amended by Law no. 203 of 15 November 2011, all boats over 2,50 metres in length, sailing in the Italian and Swiss waters of Lake Maggiore (Verbano) and Lake Lugano (Ceresio), must be equipped with identification marks and related documents
Unregistered boats sailing on lakes Maggiore - Ceresio / Lugano must be equipped with a special identification mark, pursuant to Law 15/11/2011 n. 203 and art. 17 of the International Regulations for navigation on lakes Maggiore and Lugano.
The following are exempt from the obligation to mark (Article 17, paragraph 5, of the Regulation):
vessels of shipping companies licensed for regular scheduled services
boats whose length is less than 2,5 meters
canoes, canoes, beach canoes and similar vessels, not fitted with an engine, as well as sailboards
rowing competition boats
It should be noted that the exemption also applies to sailboats, provided that no type of engine is present on board
All Swiss plates in each canton are recognized by the "Convention between Switzerland and Italy for the regulation of navigation on Lake Maggiore and Lake Lugano" in .pdf (1.10 Mb, Italian version); therefore, the permit issued by the Swiss authorities is valid for navigation and stationing in Italy
The current C mark issued for lake Ceresio is considered valid for navigation on lake Verbano (Maggiore), as well as the V mark issued by the Lombard coast of lake Verbano (Maggiore) and the P mark issued by the Provinces of Novara and Verbano Cusio Ossola, by Regional delegation, will be valid for navigation on lake Ceresio
These guidelines govern the registration and issue of the List Nautical flags identified for non-registered vessels that sail on lake Verbano (Maggiore) and Lugano, according to the law 15/11/2011 n. 203 and Art. 17 of the International Regulations for Navigation on lake Maggiore and Lugano.
To obtain registration in the Nautical Register and the issuance of identification permits, a specific application must be submitted to the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese.
The application, which must be submitted on a € 16,00 (sixteen/00) revenue stamp and using the new form provided by the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese, must include the following documents:
- a photocopy of a valid ID document
- a photocopy of the tax code card
- two color photographs of the vessel (one from the front and one from the side), which can be sent by email in .jpg format to
- a copy of the engine use certificate (if present)
- certification and/or insurance certificate for the engine and/or vessel
- proof of payment of € 45,00 (forty-five/00), to be paid to the postal account 70212444, payable to Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore – Comabbio – Monate – Varese Serv. Tes, with the payment reason : "IDENTIFICATION PERMITS"or by Bank transfer to IBAN : IT50D0760110800 000070212444 - SWIFT-BIC : BPPIITRRXXX
- a copy of the vessel’s technical certificate (if available)
- a copy of the mooring title (if available)
Within 30 days of the application submission, the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese will register the vessel in the Nautical Register and issue the applicant a registration booklet and 2 identification permits with the registration number.
At the time of application submission, the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese will provide a receipt, which will be valid for 30 days from the issuance date for navigation purposes, pending registration in the Nautical Register and the issuance of the identification permits.
The application, with the required revenue stamp and documents, can be submitted to the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese in the following ways:
- paper submission: the application, with the revenue stamp and all required attachments, can be delivered by hand to the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese during public office hours (delivery can also be made by someone other than the applicant), or sent by postal service (recommended registered mail) or other delivery services (e.g., express courier)
- electronic submission: the application can be sent by email to, with all required documents attached
The cost of registration in the nautical list and the issue of the booklet and identification marks is quantified at € 45,00 (forty-five/00). The cost for issuing a duplicate of identification badges is quantified at € 30,00 (thirty/00), for the issue of a duplicate or new booklet it is quantified at € 30,00 (thirty/00), for the simultaneous issue of a duplicate of identification badges and a duplicate or new booklet it is quantified at € 45,00 (forty-five/00). The charges paid are not refundable in any way.
"Guidelines for registration in the nautical list and the issue of identification marks for boats sailing in Italian and Swiss waters of Lake Maggiore (Verbano) and Lake Lugano (Ceresio)" in .pdf (48 kb, Italian version)
"Application for registration in the Nautical List and for the issue of identification marks for boats sailing in Italian and Swiss waters of Lake Maggiore (Verbano) and Lake Lugano (Ceresio)" in .pdf (378 kb, Italian version)
"Application for registration in the Nautical List and for the issue of identification marks for boats sailing in Italian and Swiss waters of Lake Maggiore (Verbano) and Lake Lugano (Ceresio)" - editable version, in .pdf (142 kb, Italian version)
"Special power of attorney for the digital signature and electronic submission of the application for registration in the nautical list and the issue of identification marks" in .pdf (127 kb, Italian version)
"Proxy for collection of registration booklet in the nautical list and identification marks" in .pdf (11 kb, Italian version)
"Request for the issuance of a new nautical booklet for data changes" in .pdf (167 kb, Italian version)
"Request for the issuance of duplicates of nautical booklets and/or stickers" in .pdf (151 kb, Italian version)
"Communication of waiver of registration in the nautical list" in .pdf (112 kb, Italian version)
"Request for cancellation of registration from the nautical list" in .pdf (115 kb, Italian version)
"Request for cancellation of registration from the nautical list" - editable version, in .pdf (60 kb, Italian version)
"Request for substitution of registration in the nautical list" in .pdf (183 kb, Italian version)
"Revenue stamp cancellation model" in .pdf (143 kb, Italian version)
More informations on
* warning: make sure that all informations contained here are correct because they could be subject to change, visit the ufficial website on of the Autorità di Bacino Lacuale dei Laghi Maggiore, Comabbio, Monate e Varese; in every case can't guarantee the accuracy and/or timeliness of the contents
The request must be submitted exclusively for boats whose place of parking is located in one of the following municipalities between: Baveno, Cannero Riviera, Cannobio, Ghiffa, Oggebbio, Stresa and Verbania. For boats whose place of parking is different from the aforementioned Municipalities, it's necessary to contact the territorial Authority of reference.
Those interested in obtaining registration in the nautical list and the issue of badges, in order to avoid waiting due to the high turnout of users, are invited to apply by e-mail to: or by going to the reference offices (in case of need it is possible to contact the Transport Office at the telephone number 0323 4950318 or 0323 4950374), attaching the following documents:
- photocopy of a valid identity document;
- photocopy of the vessel's characteristics certificate;
- photocopy of the engine use certificate or power declaration;
- photocopy of the certificate and/or certificate of civil liability insurance;
- photocopy of the mooring title or place of the vessel;
- photocopy of the payment receipt, and any shipping costs;
It's also necessary to make a payment of € 30,00 (thirty/00) in the following ways:
- by Bank transfer IBAN : IT84S0569622400000003800X47 - BIC/SWIFT : POSOIT22XXX - T.N.V. : "Amministrazione Provinciale del Verbano Cusio Ossola - Servizio Tesoreria" - POINTING AS REASON FOR PAYMENT : "BOAT MARKINGS"
- alternatively, only for Italian residents in possession of a tax code, click on: Online payments (
The identification marks must be affixed, by the owner, on each side of the vessel, at the bow, in a clearly visible position and do not expire.
In the event of deterioration of the permit (license plate), it isn't possible to request duplicates. You will have to proceed with the cancellation of the old stickers and resubmit a new request and payment of € 30,00 (thirty/00).
"Application for registration in the nautical list and for the issue of identification marks for boats sailing in the waters of Lake Verbano (Maggiore)", in .pdf (648 kb, Italian version)
"Request for cancellation of the boat from the Verbano Cusio Ossola Nautical List", in .pdf (174 kb, Italian version)
"Request for updated nautical booklet for addition - engine replacement", in .pdf (177 kb, Italian version)
"Request for updated nautical booklet for change of insurance company", in .pdf (188 kb, Italian version)
"Request for updated nautical booklet for change of parking place", in .pdf (188 kb, Italian version)
"Request for updated nautical booklet for change of residence", in .pdf (188 kb, Italian version)
"Request for duplicate nautical booklet for deterioration", in .pdf (173 kb, Italian version)
"Request for duplicate nautical booklet for lost theft", in .pdf (174 kb, Italian version)
"Refund request", in .pdf (179 kb, Italian version)
More informations on
* warning: make sure that all informations contained here are correct because they could be subject to change, visit the ufficial website on of the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola; in every case can't guarantee the accuracy and/or timeliness of the contents
The application must be submitted on the form provided by the Office of Provincia di Novara - Settore Tecnico (Province of Novara - Technical Sector) - in via Greppi, 7 in Novara; Municipalities of Arona, Castelletto Sopra Ticino, Dormelletto, Lesa, Meina, Belgirate; Gestione Associata Demanio Basso Lago Maggiore in via Stazione, 16 in Lesa or downloadable on website, must be completed in all its parts, dated, countersigned legibly, regularized and complete with all the required attachments. The use of non-compliant forms, the lack or illegibility of the data and/or signature, the submission of insufficient and/or incomplete attachments, will result in the inadmissibility of the application itself, without any obligation to request additions from the Office in charge.
The application must be accompanied by:
- photocopy of a valid identification document
- copy of the boat's characteristics certificate
- copy of the engine certificate of use or declaration of power
- certification and/or certificate of motor insurance
- copy of the mooring title (state property, municipal annual contract, shipyards, associations, etc.) or place where the boat is usually stationed
- copy of the postal order for the established amount
The release of the nautical book and the identifying countermarks is subordinated to the payment of € 30,00 (thirty/00) with Bank transfer as follow:
- IBAN : IT48B0760110100000017109281
The registration in the nautical list and the issue of the booklet and markings will take place only after the holder has paid the relevant amount. The issue of a duplicate of the booklet and/or new identification marks will again entail the payment of the above charges, while the updating of the engine data and/or personal data will not involve any charge.
The identification marks in number of 2 must be affixed to each side of the boat, at the bow, in a clearly visible position.
The booklet and identification marks must be collected from the office in charge to which the applicant has submitted the application.
The applicant who has filled in the relevant forms available at the Office of Provincia di Novara - Settore Tecnico (Province of Novara - Technical Sector) - in via Greppi, 7 in Novara; Municipalities of Arona, Castelletto Sopra Ticino, Dormelletto, Lesa, Meina, Belgirate; Gestione Associata Demanio Basso Lago Maggiore in via Stazione, 16 in Lesa or downloadable on website, camping, shipyards, garaging, tourist promotion offices and kiosks and having submitted the application, while waiting to receive the booklet and the badges, is authorized - for a period of 30 (thirty) days - to navigate on the lakes Verbano (Maggiore) and Ceresio with a copy of the request stamped by the Office of reception, to be kept on board and to be shown at the request of the Police control.
The entry in the nautical register and the booklet are valid until the boat is transferred to third parties.
"Request of registration in the Nautical List and release of the identification marks for craft that navigate in the waters of Lake Verbano (Maggiore)", in .pdf (121 kb, English version)
"Antrag für die Registrierung an die Boat Liste und für dier Ausgabe Kennzeichnungen für Schiffe die in den Gewässern des Lago Maggiore fahren", in .pdf (124 kb, Deutsch version)
"Aanvraag voor registratie in het lokale register en de bijbehorende identificatie-stickers voor alle boten, langer dan 2,50 mt, die op het Lago Maggiore varen", in .pdf (119 kb, Dutch version)
View the "Application for registration in the nautical list and for the issue of identification marks for boats sailing in the waters of Lake Verbano (Maggiore)" in .pdf (158 kb, Italian version)
View the "Guidelines for the issue of identification badges for boats sailing on lakes Verbano and Ceresio", in .pdf (111 kb, Italian version)
View the "Indications for the issue of identification marks for boats sailing on lakes Verbano and Ceresio", in .pdf (113 kb, Italian version)
View the "Request for updating the nautical booklet for a new boat engine", in .pdf (61 kb, Italian version)
View the "Request for cancellation of the boat from the nautical list", in .pdf (55 kb, Italian version)
View the "Request for duplicate of the nautical booklet for deterioration", in .pdf (54 kb, Italian version)
View the "Request for updating the nautical booklet for change of residence", in .pdf (63 kb, Italian version)
View the "Request for duplicate of the nautical logbook for theft and loss", in .pdf (55 kb, Italian version)
View the "Refund request", in .pdf (56 kb, Italian version)
More informations on
* warning: make sure that all informations contained here are correct because they could be subject to change, visit the ufficial website on of the Province of Novara; in every case can't guarantee the accuracy and/or timeliness of the contents
Vessels stationed on or above a body of water or used in Swiss waters open to public navigation must bear the markings issued by the competent authority. The authorization to sail must be requested at the Ufficio Turistico del Lago Maggiore, via alle Brere 3/a - 6598 Tenero, with the documents of the boat.
The following are not subject to this provision:
- vessels of shipping companies benefiting from a federal concession
- boats whose length is less than 2,50 meters
- beach boats and other similar boats, canoes, racing boats for regattas, sailboards and kite surfing
* When a federal tourist intends to sail on our lakes with his boat duly registered in another Swiss canton, it's necessary to fill in the form "request for temporary authorization boats registered in other cantons" (see attachment below).
All the documents indicated must be attached:
- A valid navigation licence from the canton of registration (or photocopy)
If the stay is not longer than one month (calculated over the course of the calendar year) the authorization will be granted free of charge. If the stay is longer than 30 days, the payment of the annual navigation tax will be required, calculated according to art. 2 of the Cantonal Law implementing the Federal Law of 3 October 1975 (of 22 November 1982) - and the form "Application for a navigation licence" (see attachment below) must also be submitted with the confirmation of the berth.
* When a tourist intends to sail on our lakes with a boat registered and stationed abroad, the authorization is valid from the date of issue until the end of the following month: it cannot be renewed during a calendar year. Those who intend to use the boat for a longer period must contact the Navigation Service, the boat must not be cleared through customs and the owner or holder must prove that he has his domicile abroad. Foreign tourists who intend to sail with motor or sailing boats must apply for temporary authorization and the relative stickers (see attachment below) which will be issued at the Ufficio Turistico del Lago Maggiore, via alle Brere 3/a - 6598 Tenero.
The licence is valid from the date of issue until the end of the following month on all waters open to navigation (Art. 105 para. 3 ONI*). It may not be renewed or divided into several periods during a calendar year.
All the documents indicated must be attached:
- Registration document abroad or documents with the data of the boat and the engine
- a national driving permit or an international certificate (if the engine power is greater than 6 kW = 8 hp, for a sailing boat (the sail area is greater than 15 square meters)
- the required certificate of insurance against civil liability (RC), or the liability insurance policy with receipt of payment of the annual premium, which guarantees the minimum coverage required in Switzerland. Otherwise, the premium of a group insurance will be collected by the Ufficio Turistico del Lago Maggiore
Currently, the costs to be incurred are as follows:
- plates: Fr. 10.--
- licence for motor up to 6 kW: fr. 50.--
- authorization for engines over 6 kW up to 30 kW: fr. 70.--
- licence for engines over 30 kW: fr. 100.--
- authorization for sailing boats and non-motorized boats: Fr. 40.--
- technical inspection: Fr. 30.--
- group insurance (if necessary): Fr. 20.--
The official markings must be applied clearly visible towards the bow and on the 2 outer sides of the hull. The canton may also provide for a nautical symbol or a coat of arms. For vessels with a collective navigation license, it is sufficient to carry the markings in a clearly visible place.
When the boat changes its authorized parking place, it must be notified to the Traffic Section Office within 15 days, by filling in the relevant application form (see attachment below) which will be followed by the sending of the invoice including the cost for the navigation license equal to Fr. 15.--.
If the vessel is taken out of circulation or sold, the official markings must be returned to the Road Traffic Section (in order to avoid misuse by third parties). The original navigation licence must also be submitted with the official markings for cancellation.
Boats registered in other cantons and temporarily used in Ticino must be equipped with a sticker before being put into navigation, which must be requested from the Road Traffic Section.
Foreign tourists who intend to sail with motor or sailing boats must apply for temporary authorization and the relative markings that will be issued at the Ufficio Turistico del Lago Maggiore in via Brere 3/a - 6598 Tenero
All Swiss plates in each canton are recognized by the "Convention between Switzerland and Italy for the regulation of navigation on Lake Maggiore and Lake Lugano" in .pdf (1.10 Mb); therefore, the permit issued by the Swiss authorities is valid for navigation and stationing in Italy
The current C mark issued for lake Ceresio is considered valid for navigation on lake Verbano (Maggiore), as well as the V mark issued by the Lombard coast of lake Verbano (Maggiore) and the P mark issued by the Provinces of Novara and Verbano Cusio Ossola, by Regional delegation, will be valid for navigation on lake Ceresio
"Instructions for requesting temporary authorization and related markings", in .pdf (153 kb, Italian version)
"Vorschriften: Das Kantonale Verkehrsamt, in der Absicht, die Schifffahrt auf unseren Seen zu regeln, unter Anwendung der Bundes- und kantonalen Gesetzgebung, gibt für die Wasserfahrzeuge mit ausländischem Bootsplatz folgende Richtlinien bekannt", in .pdf (39 kb, Deutsch version)
"Voorschriften: Teneinde een betere discipline in de bevaring op onze meren te krijgen en in toepassing van de Federale en Kantonale wetgeving m.b.t. de bevaring, deelt de Kantonale verkeersafdeling de volgende richtlijnen mede, welke het varen op onze meren voor boten die buiten Zwitserland gestationeerd zijn", in .pdf (38 kb, Dutch version)
"Communique (Avis): La Section de la circulation, dans l'intention de mieux régler la navigation sur nos lacs, en application de la législation fédérale et cantonale en matière de navigation communique le directives suivantes qui règlent la navigation sur les lacs des embarcations ayant un lieu de stationnement à l'étranger", in .pdf (40 kb, French version)
"Application for temporary authorization for boats registered in other cantons", in .pdf (85 kb, Italian version)
"Application for the navigation license change of place of station", in .pdf (550 kb, Italian version)
"Instructions relating to the documentation to be submitted to the navigation service for the various procedures", in .word (34 kb, Italian version)
"Application for permission to operate boats", in .pdf (116 kb, Italian version)
More informations on
* warning: make sure that all informations contained here are correct because they could be subject to change, visit the ufficial website on of Canton of Ticino; in every case can't guarantee the accuracy and/or timeliness of the contents
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