Dispositions and rates for navigation on lake Viverone


Before sailing on lake Viverone it's necessary to have the right to launch, from 2022 you can get it directly online on www.servizi.comune.viverone.bi.it (then click on "Denuncia varo imbarcazione sul lago (senza SPID/CIE)" or "Denuncia varo imbarcazione sul lago (con SPID/CIE)")

According to L.R. 2/2008 art. 5a. the annual sail's right shall be determined by the boat's length multiplied by the unit amount referred to in a), multiplied by the coefficients referred to in points b) and c):


a) Lenght's coefficients

Lenght Coefficient to apply
until 4,00 mt. € 15,00
from 4,01 mt. to 6,00 mt. € 20,00
from 6,01 mt. to 8,00 mt. € 25,00


b) Engine's power coefficients

Engine's power Coefficient to apply
until 10 Hp 1,10
from 10,01 Hp to 40,00 Hp 1,30
from 40,01 Hp to 100,00 Hp 1,55
over 100,00 Hp 2,00


c) Polluting emissions coefficients

Engine's tipology Coefficient to apply
two-stroke engine 1,50
four-stroke engine 1,30
gas engine 1,10
electric engine 1,00


The launch fee, calculated as specified above, must be re-priced for the navigable months (7 months). Pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 5 bis of the L.R. 2/2008 establishes that it is possible to take advantage of a daily launch right equal to 15% of the annual amount determined according to the criteria set out above.

Pursuant to art. 5 quater, boats without engines are exempt from paying the launch right.

Sailboats with auxiliary engines benefit from a 40% reduction, and boats with electric motors benefit from a 70% reduction.


For citizens residing in the municipality of Viverone there is a 50% reduction in the launch right in compliance with the following conditions:

a) that the citizen requesting the reduction has resided for at least two years in the municipality of Viverone

b) that the boat is for private use only



Boat with engine, lenght 5 mt., engine 41 hp, gas carburation:

5 mt (lenght) * 20 € (coeff. lenght) * 1,55 (coeff. power) * 1,10 (coeff. emission) = 170,50 €


ANNUAL (reported months of navigability) :12 * 7 = 99,45 € (in this case, round to the euro --> 99 €)

DAILY 15% of 99 € = 14,85 € daily (also in this case, round to the euro --> 15 €)


source: website of Viverone Municipality