Sailors advises 2024

last update: 10/12/2024


PETTENASCO : from 01/12/2024 to 14/01/2025 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for an event called "Presepe galleggiante 2024" in front of locality Riva Pisola in Pettenasco Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (188 kb, Italian version)

ORTA SAN GIULIO : from 24:00 of 31/12/2024 to 01:00 of 01/01/2025 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation from 22:00 of 31/12/2024 to 01:30 of 01/01/2025 for a fireworks event called "Capodanno Orta San Giulio" in front of piazza Motta in Orta San Giulio Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (243 kb, Italian version)



ORTA SAN GIULIO : from 24:00 of 31/12/2024 to 01:00 of 01/01/2025 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation from 22:00 of 31/12/2024 to 01:30 of 01/01/2025 for a fireworks event called "Capodanno Orta San Giulio" in front of piazza Motta in Orta San Giulio Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (243 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 22/12/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "ICE SWIM XMAS CUP 2024" in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (267 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 02/12/2024 to 05/12/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for reclamation operations consisting of the recovery of war ordnance lying on the seabed in front of via F.lli Rosselli 15 coordinate N 45°51.9413' - E 008°24.1937 in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (248 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 02/12/2024 to 04/12/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for reclamation operations consisting of the recovery of war ordnance lying on the seabed in front of via Lungo Lago Gramsci n. 1 in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (248 kb, Italian version)

PETTENASCO : from 01/12/2024 to 14/01/2025 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for an event called "Presepe galleggiante 2024" in front of locality Riva Pisola in Pettenasco Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (188 kb, Italian version)



OMEGNA : from 13/11/2024 to 13/12/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for reclamation operations consisting of the recovery of war ordnance lying on the seabed in front of via F.lli Rosselli 15 coordinate N 45°51.9413' - E 008°24.1937' in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (299 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 12/11/2024 to 14/11/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for reclamation operations consisting of the recovery of war ordnance lying on the seabed in front of via Lungo Lago Gramsci n. 1 zone Bar Risumà and in front of via F.lli Rosselli zone Amici Vela Cusio Omegna in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (268 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 01/11/2024 to 03/11/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, to ascertain the presence of ordnance or war remnants lying on the seabed in the area between piazzale Martiri della Libertà/public garden and Lungo Lago Gramsci in front of Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (263 kb, Italian version)



GOZZANO - locality PONCETTA : on 27/10/2024 from 11:00 to 13:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, and the cautious navigation for a swimming event called "Swim Brulè 2024" between Lido di Gozzano and locality Poncetta "casa Busquez" in front of Municipality of Gozzano, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (229 kb, Italian version)

PETTENASCO - locality BAGNERA : on 13/10/2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 it's ordered the suspension of private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious public navigation for a international rowing regattas called "8° Lake Orta Eights Challenge" and "18° Italian Sculling Challenger Memorial Don Angelo Villa" in front of Pettenasco Municipality and locality Bagnera in Orta San Giulio Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (202 kb, Italian version)

locality BAGNERA - PETTENASCO : on 12/10/2024 from 8:30 to 9:00 and on 13/10/2024 from 9:00 to 10:00 and from 12:00 to 13:00 it's ordered the suspension of private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious public navigation for a international rowing regattas called "8° Lake Orta Eights Challenge" and "18° Italian Sculling Challenger Memorial Don Angelo Villa" in front of locality Bagnera in Orta San Giulio Municipality and Pettenasco Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (202 kb, Italian version)

locality BAGNERA - MIASINO - locality RIVA PISOLA - ISLAND SAN GIULIO - ORTA SAN GIULIO - PELLA : on 12/10/2024 from 9:00 to 16:00 and on 13/10/2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 it's ordered the suspension of private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious public navigation for a international rowing regattas called "8° Lake Orta Eights Challenge" and "18° Italian Sculling Challenger Memorial Don Angelo Villa" in front of locality Bagnera in Orta San Giulio Municipality, Miasino Municipality, locality Riva Pisola in Pettenasco Municipality, island San Giulio and Orta San Giulio Municipality and return in locality Bagnera in front of Pella Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (202 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 11/10/2024 to 13/10/2024 it's ordered the suspension of public and private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious public and private navigation, with motor or not, from 30/09/2024 to 19/10/2024 for an event called "Ultra Trail del lago d'Orta 2024" in front of Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (250 kb, Italian version)



OMEGNA : on 21/09/2024 from 15:00 to 18:15 and from 19:30 to 21:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, from 8:00 to 24:00 for an event called "Raduno Alpini" in front of viale Giuseppe Garibaldi in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (299 kb, Italian version)

PETTENASCO - MIASINO : from 20/09/2024 to 22/09/2024 from 8:00 to 20:00 it's ordered the suspension of public and private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious navigation for a Wakesurf races called "Campionati Italiani di categoria Wakesurf" in front of Municipalities of Pettenasco and Miasino, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (243 kb, Italian version)

PELLA - PETTENASCO - locality LAGNA - PELLA : on 15/09/2024 from 8:00 to 14:00 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a sail regatta called "Pella Cup" in front of the Municipalities of Pella, Pettenasco, locality Lagna and Pella, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (284 kb, Italian version)

LIDO DI GOZZANO : on 15/09/2024 from 8:00 to 17:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "4° Staffetta di nuoto pinnato Torre di Buccione" in front of lido di Gozzano in Gozzano Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (205 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 15/09/2024 from 14:30 to 18:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for an event called "Dimostrazione acro parapendio con atterraggio su piattaforma sul lago" in front of Lungo Lago Gramsci and Lungo Lago Buozzi in Omegna Municipality, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (231 kb, Italian version)

SAN MAURIZIO D'OPAGLIO - locality PONCETTA di GOZZANO - ISLAND SAN GIULIO - ORTA SAN GIULIO - locality PUNTA DI CRABBIA - OMEGNA - PELLA : on 08/09/2024 from 12:30 to 19:00 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a sail regatta called "71° Orta - Omegna - Orta" in front of the Municipalities of San Maurizio d'Opaglio, locality Poncetta di Gozzano, island San Giulio, Orta San Giulio, locality Punta di Crabbia, Omegna and Pella, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (243 kb, Italian version)

PETTENASCO - punta MOVERO - PETTENASCO : on 07/09/2024 from 15:00 to 16:30 it's ordered the suspension of private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious navigation for a swimming event called "XVI Traversata a nuoto non competitiva - Un bacino per ADMO" in front of Municipality of Pettenasco and punta Movero, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (273 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 07/09/2024 from 14:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of private navigation, with motor or not, and the cautious navigation for an event called "La Mottarone" in front of Lungo Lago Buozzi n. 2 in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (244 kb, Italian version)



OMEGNA : on 19/08/2024 and on 20/08/2024 from 8:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 17/08/2024 from 8:00 to 24:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 16/08/2024 from 8:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 15/08/2024 from 6:00 to 9:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 14/08/2024 from 8:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)



OMEGNA : on 29/07/2024 and on 30/07/2024 from 8:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 27/07/2024 and on 28/07/2024 from 8:00 to 24:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

PELLA - ISLAND SAN GIULIO : on 27/07/2024 from 19:00 to 23:00 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a sail regatta called "Rally del Pellino" in front of the Municipalities of Pella and island San Giulio, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (245 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 25/07/2024 and on 26/07/2024 from 8:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a musical event called "Music Show - eventi estivi" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)

ORTA SAN GIULIO - PELLA - SAN GIULIO ISLAND - ORTA SAN GIULIO : on 07/07/2024 from 10:30 to 12:30 it's ordered the suspension of private navigation, with motor or not, and the public cautious navigation for a swimming event called "Traversata del lago d'Orta o Pella Orta" in front of Municipalities of Orta San Giulio, Pella and San Giulio island, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (209 kb, Italian version)

SAN MAURIZIO D'OPAGLIO - PELLA - NONIO - PETTENASCO - ORTA SAN GIULIO - SAN GIULIO ISLAND : on 06/07/2024 from 12:30 to 18:00 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a sail regatta called "Vela Viva 15" in front of the Municipalities of San Maurizio d'Opaglio, Pella, Nonio, Pettenasco, Orta San Giulio and San Giulio island, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (196 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 05/07/2024 to 07/07/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for an event called "Omegna Summer Games" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (395 kb, Italian version)



OMEGNA : on 30/06/2024 from 18:00 to 18:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swim event called "L'Antica Via del Legname 2024" from lido di Bagnella in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (281 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA - locality OIRA : on 30/06/2024 from 16:00 to 18:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swim event called "L'Antica Via del Legname 2024" from lido di Bagnella to locality Oira in the Municipality of Omegna and locality Oira, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (239 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 30/06/2024 from 15:00 to 15:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swim event called "L'Antica Via del Legname 2024" from lido di Bagnella / area La Boschina in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (234 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 30/06/2024 from 11:00 to 12:30 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swim event called "L'Antica Via del Legname 2024" from lido di Bagnella in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (234 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : on 29/06/2024 from 8:00 to 24:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, from 8:00 to 24:00 on 24/06/2024 for a boxe event called "Contest di Boxe - Boxing Competition" in front of viale Giuseppe Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (284 kb, Italian version)

ORTA SAN GIULIO : on 22/06/2024 from 21:30 to 23:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, from 17:00 to 24:00 for a fireworks event called "Spettacolo pirotecnico Comune di Orta San Giulio" in front of Municipality of Orta San Giulio, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (195 kb, Italian version)

locality LIDO di GOZZANO : on 14/06/2024 from 17:00 to 18:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "KIDS 0,5 Km." in front of locality Lido di Gozzano in the Municipality of Gozzano, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (312 kb, Italian version)

PELLA - ISLAND SAN GIULIO - locality LIDO di GOZZANO : on 15/06/2023 from 14:00 to 17:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "HALF – OCEANMAN 5,4 Km." in front of Municipalities of Pella, island San Giulio and locality Lido di Gozzano, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (362 kb, Italian version)

ORTA SAN GIULIO - locality LIDO di GOZZANO : on 15/06/2024 from 11:00 to 12:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "SPRINT 1,3 Km" in front of Miami Beach in Orta San Giulio and locality Lido di Gozzano in the Municipality of Gozzano, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (394 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA - locality PUNTA di CRABBIA - ORTA SAN GIULIO - locality LIDO di GOZZANO : on 15/06/2024 from 9:00 to 18:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "OCEANMAN 14 Km." in front of Municipalities of Omegna, locality Punta di Crabbia, Orta San Giulio and locality Lido di Gozzano, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (269 kb, Italian version)

locality LIDO di GOZZANO : on 14/06/2024 from 17:00 to 18:00 it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a swimming event called "OCEANTEAMS 0,5 Km m. x 3 giri" in front of locality Lido di Gozzano in the Municipality of Gozzano, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (313 kb, Italian version)



PELLA - locality LAGNA - punta CASARIO - locality EGRO - PELLA : on 19/05/2024 from 12:00 to 18:00 it's ordered the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a sail regatta called "Gran Vela Cusio" in front of the Municipalities of Pella, locality Lagna until punta Casario, locality Egro and Pella, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (274 kb, Italian version)



locality RONCO - locality OIRA : on 06/03/2024 until the alert end it's ordered the suspension of navigation and the cautious navigation, public and private, with motor or not, for a for a landslide between locality Ronco in the Municipaliy of Pella and locality Oira in the Municipaliy of Nonio, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (578 kb, Italian version)



PETTENASCO : from 03/12/2023 to 14/01/2024 it's ordered the cautious navigation, private with motor or not, for an event/manifestation called "Presepe galleggiante 2023" in front of locality Riva Pisola in the Municipality of Pettenasco, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (138 kb, Italian version)

OMEGNA : from 22:30 of 31/12/2022 to 02:30 of 01/01/2024 it's ordered the suspension of navigation, private with motor or not, and the cautious navigation from 27/12/2023 to 10/01/2024 for a musical event on floating docks called "Capodanno in piazza" in front of viale Garibaldi in the Municipality of Omegna, view the attached planimetry in .pdf (476 kb, Italian version)