Sailors advises 2025

last update: 01/02/2025


 LAKE COMO - REGIONAL PORTS - AVAILABLE BERTHS FOR YEAR 2025 : the Autorità di Bacino del Lario e dei Laghi Minori advises that, currently, the berths available in the Regional ports are sold out: any new requests for the assignment of berths that arrive will therefore be inserted, according to the order of arrival, at the end of the waiting lists already existing for each port , as specified in the attachment in .pdf (129 kb, Italian version)



Prohibitions of navigation

IDROSCALO DI COMO : Idroscalo di Como's area, a seaplane base, is delimited by a corridor of yellow buoys, and it's exclusively intended for the take-off/landing of seaplanes and, inside that, it's absolute prohibited to navigate and cross it